Marshall Memo 642
A Weekly Round-up of Important Ideas and Research in K-12 Education
June 20, 2016
1. Balancing responsiveness and rigor in high-school science classrooms
2. A Nevada district implements the Danielson framework
3. Grand Rapids attacks chronic absences
4. Why a Response to Intervention initiative failed in two Florida schools
5. Shifting from superficial to effective supervision of principals
6. Standards for good thinking and discussion in a polarized world
7. Five ineffective literacy practices
8. Five keys to effective teaching
9. Suggestions for harnessing the energy of fidgety students
10. A critical look at math word problems
11. Online resources for using hip-hop in classrooms
12. Short item: An early draft of a Hamilton rap
Wendy Cavendish, Beth Harry, Ana Maria Menda, Anabel Espinosa, and Margarette
Mahotiere (see item #4)
“[H]igh levels of rigor cannot be attained in classrooms where teachers are unresponsive to students’ ideas or puzzlements.”
Jessica Thompson, Sara Hagenah, Hosun Kang, David Stroupe, Melissa Braaten,
Carolyn Colley, and Mark Windschitl (see item #1)
“Despite countless other responsibilities, superintendents cannot supervise principals from a distance.”
John Fitzsimons (see item #5)
“To make independent reading worthy of class time, it must include instruction and coaching from the teacher on text selection and reading strategies, feedback to students on their reading, and text discussion or other post-reading response activities.”
Nell Duke (see item #7)
“Rigor and Responsiveness in Classroom Activity” by Jessica Thompson, Sara Hagenah, Hosun Kang, David Stroupe, Melissa Braaten, Carolyn Colley, and Mark Windschitl in Teachers College Record, May 2016 (Vol. 118, #5, p. 1-58),; Thompson can be reached at [email protected].
In this paper from the Institute of Education Sciences/Regional Educational Laboratory/WestEd, Andrea Lash, Loan Tran, and Min Huang report on their study of the implementation of a slightly modified version of the Danielson teacher-evaluation rubric in Washoe County, Nevada during the 2012-13 school year. The researchers focused on the summative ratings given 713 tenured and probationary K-12 teachers by their principals on the 22 components of the rubric, grouped into four domains: Planning and Preparation, Classroom Environment, Instruction, and Professional Responsibilities. Teachers’ ratings carried high stakes since the state planned to use them to inform decisions about tenure, retention, and an anticipated pay-for-performance system. Washoe wanted to identify low-performing teachers for professional development and high-performing teachers for commendation and incentives.
Lash, Tran, and Huang answered four key questions underlying the district’s proposed interpretation of teacher ratings:
• Do principals’ rubric ratings differentiate among teachers? Not nearly as much as would be expected, say the researchers. The distribution of ratings for the 22 rubric subcomponents showed that at least 90 percent of teachers were rated Effective or Highly Effective (the one exception: 88.4 percent of teachers were given the top two ratings in component 3b, using questioning and discussion techniques). Somewhat more teachers were rated Effective than Highly Effective, a much smaller number were rated Minimally Effective, and fewer than 1 percent of teachers were given the lowest rating. All this, the researchers conclude, “suggests that principals are discriminating among effective and highly effective teachers but rarely identifying teachers as minimally effective or ineffective.” Why did Washoe principals so rarely give the bottom two ratings? the researchers wondered. This contrasts to other districts using the Danielson rubric, where most ratings cluster between Level 3 and 2.
• What is the internal consistency of ratings within each domain and across all domains? In other words, do ratings capture a single, cohesive area of teaching practice? “Within each domain,” report Lash, Tran, and Huang, “principals were consistent in their scoring of teachers. Teachers who received a high rating in one component tended to receive a high rating for the other components of the domain as well; those who received a low rating for one component tended to also receive a low rating for the other components.” Does this mean that there aren’t meaningful distinctions within and among the rubric components? Don’t they provide information on different aspects of teaching?
• Do the empirical data support the hypothesized grouping of rubric components into domains? In other words, is each of the four domains distinct from the others? “The empirical data do not support grouping ratings into four domains,” the researchers conclude. “[R]atings for the four groupings were so highly correlated as to suggest that each group measured a common feature of teaching.”
There are two possible interpretations for this finding. One is that “the four domain ratings do not provide information about different aspects of teaching,” say Lash, Tran, and Huang. “The other is that they do provide information about different aspects of teaching but that those aspects are so highly correlated that knowing about one aspect provides information about the others. In either case the analysis does not support interpreting the four domain scores as measurements of distinct aspects of teaching; instead, the analysis supports using a single rating, such as the average over all components of the system to summarize teacher effectiveness.”
• Do the ratings from classroom observations correlate with student learning? Comparing Danielson ratings with the scores of grade 4-8 teachers for whom Nevada Growth Model value-added data were available, the researchers found a “positive and significant relationship” with all but one of the Danielson domains – Professional Responsibilities. So for the most part, classroom ratings predicted impact on student test scores.
The researchers draw three conclusions from their study. First, Washoe officials should explore why the distribution of teacher ratings was so skewed to the upper end of the 4-3-2-1 scale. Second, the district needs to ask whether giving four separate domain ratings is warranted, since there’s such a strong correlation among them. Finally, on the correlation between rubric ratings and VAM data, the researchers say, “Assuming the growth scores are sound measures of student learning, this finding offers some evidence that the observation ratings provide information about a teacher’s skill in promoting learning and can add to Washoe County School District’s confidence in interpreting a teacher’s rating as a measure of effectiveness.”
[There were several important questions the researchers didn’t ask in the Washoe study: How often did principals visit classrooms? How long did they stay? Were formal observations announced or unannounced? Could unannounced informal visits be used in summative rubric scores? I was able to get answers to these questions from a helpful Washoe official today: Tenured teachers in the study were visited once a year, non-tenured three times; formal visits were at least 30 minutes, with face-to-face pre- and post-observation conferences required; formals were announced in advance; and insights from informal visits could be included in summative rubric scoring if they were shared with teachers, but there were no requirements on frequency or face-to-face conversations.
This teacher-evaluation set-up goes a long way to explaining Washoe’s grade inflation and the intra- and inter-domain score uniformity found by the researchers. With so few classroom visits, with most teachers naturally putting on their best lesson for announced visits from the principal, with high stakes, with a very time-consuming process for each teacher evaluation, with no requirement for frequent unannounced visits, and with principals required to score teachers on 22 rubric elements based on only 1-3 formal classroom observations, it’s inevitable that scores would be inflated and lacking in the fine distinctions that could only come from multiple, unannounced visits, frequent conversations with teachers about classroom dynamics, and detailed teacher input on the rubric scores. K.M.]
In this article in NPR Ed, Elissa Nadworny reports how the schools in Grand Rapids, Michigan addressed the issue of chronic absence (defined as students missing more than 10 percent of the school year). “Chronic absence is not just skipping school,” says Nadworny. “It’s more likely a mixture of truancy entangled with illnesses and family problems.” Sometimes it’s just a lack of attention to the number of days children are missing. “I really didn’t even know that there were problems with the attendance,” said one grandmother who was responsible for getting two children to their elementary school. Sure, they missed a day if it snowed, or if they didn’t feel like going to school, but she never counted them up. When the district called to tell her her both children were in the chronic absence group, “it was like, boom!”
That call was made because district officials realized that nearly 7,000 students (out of 17,000 enrolled) were chronically absent. But the first year’s efforts to improve student attendance produced zero gains. The district went back to the drawing board and came up with a slogan: Challenge 5 – striving for fewer than five absences each school year. This simple, catchy, easy-to-remember slogan helped get the whole city on board via community partners, after-school programs, churches, businesses, the police, and families. Officials produced 8-foot poster boards for each school showing the current data on chronic absences, as well as maps showing the neighborhoods with attendance issues.
Grand Rapids also launched Parent University, a set of adult education classes conducted in schools and online. These taught computer skills, how to help students with their math homework, how to get a U.S. work permit, and other topics – and relentlessly plugged the Challenge 5 initiative in every class.
Over a three-year period, chronic absences went from a little under 7,000 to 3,400.
“Implementing Response to Intervention: Challenges of Diversity and System Change in a High-Stakes Environment” by Wendy Cavendish, Beth Harry, Ana Maria Menda, Anabel Espinosa, and Margarette Mahotiere in Teachers College Record, May 2016 (Vol. 118, #5, p. 1-36),; Cavendish can be reached at [email protected].
In this article in School Administrator, John Fitzsimons recalls how, as a new superintendent, he spent most of his time on board requests, collective bargaining, budget, capital planning, and other pressing issues. Of course he attended school plays, concerts, athletic events, and graduations, but he was rarely in classrooms and didn’t supervise his principals in a meaningful way. Reading the research literature, especially the idea of “managing by walking around,” Fitzsimons realized that “superintendents cannot supervise principals from a distance.” He began to schedule regular school visits to observe day-to-day instruction and operations.
“Walking through the halls and into classrooms and sharing observations with the principal was a critical start to efficient management,” he says. “The new approach initially felt awkward, but soon I became comfortable regularly popping into classrooms. These visits led me to share research on best practices with the building leaders. The more present I was in the schools, the more positive the professional relationships with faculty and staff became.” In addition to observing classes with principals, he occasionally shadowed a student for a day’s lessons, followed a student through an open house schedule, and ate in the faculty lunchroom.
Fitzsimons was especially interested in encouraging high-quality supervision of teachers. “Effective principals provide support throughout the school year via ongoing and informal meetings with teachers,” he says. “Rather than depending on infrequent formal evaluations to provide feedback to teachers, effective principals make frequent and spontaneous classroom visits and provide immediate feedback.” Watching principals in action gave him a handle on improving their skills as instructional leaders.
In this article in Teachers College Record, Jody Piro (Western Connecticut State University) and Gina Anderson (Texas Woman’s University) describe the online discussion forum, Socrates Café, which allows people with different viewpoints to have a civil exchange of ideas, hopefully driven by real curiosity about each others’ viewpoints. Because of the current polarization of opinions in the U.S. and the tendency of people to distort the truth, Piro and Anderson also recommend using the Universal Intellectual Standards (developed by Linda Elder and Richard Paul in 2008) to monitor the quality of reasoning about a problem, issue, or situation. Below are nine key standards, followed by probing questions. “To think critically,” say Elder and Paul, “entails having command of these standards.” Teachers should pose questions that push students to think clearly and hold them accountable for the quality of their thinking. “The ultimate goal,” they say, “is for these questions to become infused in the thinking of students, forming part of their inner voice, which then guides them to better and better reasoning.”
“A Typology for an Online Socrates Café” by Jody Piro and Gina Anderson in Teachers College Record, May 2016 (Vol. 118, #5, p. 1-26),; Piro can be reached at [email protected].
“Our expectations for students have increased dramatically,” says Nell Duke (University of Michigan) in this Edutopia article, “but our actual class time with students has not.” All the more reason to use every minute wisely – which means not spending time on instructional activities that don’t work. Duke says the research suggests the following time-honored practices are not helpful in developing students’ reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills:
• Ineffective practice #1: Looking up words in the dictionary, writing definitions, and using them in a sentence – “We have long known that this practice doesn’t build vocabulary as well as techniques that actively engage students in discussing and relating new words to known words,” says Duke – for example, semantic mapping.
• Ineffective practice #2: Giving students stickers, bracelets, or fast-food coupons for reading – These extrinsic incentives actually undermine motivation and make students less likely to choose to read, says Duke. “Opportunities to interact with peers around books, teacher ‘book blessings,’ special places to read, and many other strategies are much more likely to foster long-term reading motivation.”
• Ineffective practice #3: Friday spelling tests on a single word list – Unfortunately, this doesn’t lead to students spelling words correctly in everyday contexts, says Duke. Better to have students work on their own lists, geared to their stage of language development, and frequently analyze and use the words in their writing and speaking.
• Ineffective Practice #4: Unsupported silent reading time – “Studies have found that this doesn’t actually foster reading achievement,” says Duke. “To make independent reading worthy of class time, it must include instruction and coaching from the teacher on text selection and reading strategies, feedback to students on their reading, and text discussion or other post-reading response activities.”
• Ineffective practice #5: Taking away recess as a punishment – This is likely to reduce students’ ability to benefit from literacy instruction, says Duke. Why? Because physical activity before or after academic lessons helps students be more on task, especially students with ADHD (who, ironically, are the most likely to be kept in from recess). There are plenty of other consequences that don’t run the risk of reducing students’ attention in class, says Duke.
In this article in Rethinking Schools, Anita Bright (Portland State University) bemoans the way many of the word problems in published math materials assume an affluent, automobile-centered, middle-class lifestyle – for example:
(Originally titled “Pass the Mic: Teaching with Hip-Hop”)
In this Education Update article, Sarah McKibben suggests ways teachers can use hip-hop to engage students, and lists several resources:
An early draft of a “Hamilton” rap – On May 12, 2009, Lin-Manuel Miranda (minus the long hair) appeared at a White House evening of music, poetry, and the spoken word and performed a rap that ended up in his multiple-award-winning musical, Hamilton. You can check it out at
© Copyright 2016 Marshall Memo LLC
About the Marshall Memo
Mission and focus:
This weekly memo is designed to keep principals, teachers, superintendents, and others very well-informed on current research and effective practices in K-12 education. Kim Marshall, drawing on 44 years’ experience as a teacher, principal, central office administrator, and writer, lightens the load of busy educators by serving as their “designated reader.”
To produce the Marshall Memo, Kim subscribes to 64 carefully-chosen publications (see list to the right), sifts through more than a hundred articles each week, and selects 5-10 that have the greatest potential to improve teaching, leadership, and learning. He then writes a brief summary of each article, pulls out several striking quotes, provides e-links to full articles when available, and e-mails the Memo to subscribers every Monday evening (with occasional breaks; there are 50 issues a year).
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Core list of publications covered
Those read this week are underlined.
American Educational Research Journal
American Educator
American Journal of Education
AMLE Magazine
ASCA School Counselor
ASCD SmartBrief
Better: Evidence-Based Education
Center for Performance Assessment Newsletter
District Administration
Ed. Magazine
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis
Educational Horizons
Educational Leadership
Elementary School Journal
Essential Teacher
Go Teach
Harvard Business Review
Harvard Educational Review
Independent School
Journal of Education for Students Placed At Risk (JESPAR)
Journal of Staff Development
Kappa Delta Pi Record
Knowledge Quest
Literacy Today
Middle School Journal
Peabody Journal of Education
Phi Delta Kappan
Principal Leadership
Principal’s Research Review
Reading Research Quarterly
Responsive Classroom Newsletter
Rethinking Schools
Review of Educational Research
School Administrator
School Library Journal
Teaching Children Mathematics
Teaching Exceptional Children/Exceptional Children
The Atlantic
The Chronicle of Higher Education
The District Management Journal
The Journal of the Learning Sciences
The Language Educator
The Learning Principal/Learning System/Tools for Schools
The Reading Teacher
Theory Into Practice
Time Magazine
Wharton Leadership Digest